Sunday, November 30, 2014

Our First Evangelistic Outreach

Families from San Francisco gather for the evangelistic outreach

I want to thank all of you who prayed for us for the last river trip in November.  We had plenty of water to get in and out of the villages without any delays and it did not rain heavily during our travel so the Lord protected us yet again. Glory to God!

The trip was a short one but certainly a milestone event.  We went to invite our three villages to the upcoming conference that we were having for them in late November.  However, while with them we did an evangelistic outreach in a village nearby called San Francisco.  I had asked if anyone would like to join us in this outreach and three families from Santa Clara responded!  This is huge because it was the first time they had ever participated in something like this as a Christian worker and not as a participant.

Some members of Santa Clara helping San Francisco 
do an art project to reinforce Bible lesson

It was a great leap forward for us in that our fledgling believers were actively participating with us in the sharing of the Gospel.  I was thrilled beyond words!  We will continue to train them in the Word and in practical ways on how to share their faith as we hold our conferences and village visits.  Thank you all so very much for your prayer for these precious people.  God is truly moving among them and I know that very soon we will see evangelists and missionaries emerge out of these communities to bring the Truth to their own people.

3-Day Conference

7 Families from three different villages complete a 3-day conference in Yurimaguas

This was a tremendous event in that we had six families from a village besides the river that we normally work on attend the conference.  This was the first time they had joined us and my prayer is that they will continue to receive from the Lord all that He has for them through this training.  The purpose of the conference is always to build up the faith of the believers through the knowledge of the Word, prayer and practical experience of what they learned.

Pastor Roque teaching how to lay hands on the sick

Maria teaching the Word of God                     

Children’s ministry

Sharon teaching on how to share your faith

The conference was ended with people receiving the Lord, prayer and the Word of God.  This was truly a rich time and I want to thank all of you again so very much for standing with me in prayer for this event.  It is so significant in the lives of these new believers and is providing avenues for them to get trained to move forward in their faith to share the Gospel with their fellow Shawi Indians who are still living outside the Kingdom.  God bless each of you for your faithfulness to the things of God and may He bless you abundantly this Christmas season.

Joining With You in the Harvest,
Sharon Malcolm

Friday, October 31, 2014

Water Filters and Ministry, Ministry, Ministry!

Calvary Chapel Aurora, CO team ministering 
in worship for the church in Nueva Papaplaya

I want to thank so many of you who prayed for us during our time on the river as we tended to the church of Nueva Papaplaya.  It was a tremendous time of ministry to the community through the bio-sand water filters, children’s program, church services and sporting events.  All of these were directed to show the genuine love that God has for this village personally so that they can know how precious they are in His sight.  These activities also gave us the opportunity to bring those who were living without Christ to a saving knowledge of Him as well as guide others back to their first love that have gone astray through rededicating their lives to Christ.  Gloriously, this was done in so many ways and so many people were touched by the Holy Spirit as a result of our interaction.

Our task was to complete bio-sand water filters for 20 families in this communtiy using their help to wash sand and collect water. It took us a day to arrive to the village and a day to return to Yurimaguas leaving us a total of six days to work on the filters and praise God, we finished the project in less than four days!  This left us plenty of time to revisit the families where we installed the water filters so that we could pray and witness to them again.  It also allowed us to minister to the children through children’s programs and sporting events that drew many people out either to watch or participate.
Water Filters

Team washing sand and installing water filter

Preaching, Prayer and Testimonies

Maria preached (denim jacket, pink shirt), 
team ready to pray         

Mary sharing her testimony, Sharon translating

Children’s Ministry
Alex, Mary and Deb leading children in praise songs

Joe playing with children

Team helping with children’s activity after Bible lesson
Greg showing children their picture

Sporting Events

Team played soccer with the men and introduced
water volleyball and frisbee soccer to the community.
Surely a first for this village!

Through all of these events we were able to truly bond with the community and gain their trust to lead people to Christ, guide them to rededicate their lives to God and pray for several people for healing.  One woman that we prayed with was 77 years old and had studied witchcraft for 12 years to become a witch doctor.  People would go to her for healing on a regular basis but now her whole body was racked with pain.  She claimed that the spirits were attacking her.  We prayed for her healing and rebuked the spirits and I could feel the oppression leave her body and soul.  When we were through she said she was much calmer and her knees felt better.  Praise God!  When I shared this with the pastor he said that he also had prayed with her 2 ½ years earlier to accept Christ, which she did, now it was just a matter of discipling and personal growth in the Lord.

I want to thank all of you so very much for standing in the gap for us on this trip.  It is because of this that the Lord has moved so strongly and so many people were touched by Him.  This month of November we will be going on two more river trips and having a three-day conference the last weekend in November.  Would you please stand in prayer for us as we complete these outreaches?  I know that the Lord will continue to move as we join together in prayer for these events.

Safety on the river for all travel
Strong response to the Word of God and to the invitation to the conference
Open minds and hearts to all that God wants to do in each person
The annointing of the Holy Spirit as He ministers through us in the teachings during the conference.

God bless each of you for your faithful and diligent prayer for this work.  Truly God is using all of us to accomplish a great work among the people in this area.

With Much Appreciation For that You Do,
Sharon Malcolm

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Pastor’s and Shawi Indian Conferences

Pastor's and Shawi Indian Conferences

Jack Groblewski preaching to the Yurimaguas pastors and leaders

I want to thank all of you that prayed and contributed to the pastor's and Shawi Indian conferences that took place from June 25 to July 1.  It was a tremendous time of revelation, ministry and change for adults and children.  Pastor Jack Groblewski, senior pastor of New Covenant Christian Community in Bethlehem, PA and Eric Frank, an elder of New Covenant shared their hearts with pastors and leaders from 13 different churches in Yurimaguas, the town where I live in PerĂº.

The profound revelation of the Word that Pastor Jack shared and the teachings of Biblical principles that Eric Frank brought seem to be life changing for all that attended.  The ministry that each one brought was significant enough to shift the ground in the leaders of these churches to make a lasting change in their perspective on their calling, ministry to the Body of Christ and to the community as a whole.  When joined together the impact of these changes lived out could be explosive in changing the city where we live! 

I am believing for this explosion and am trying to meet with the vice-president of the network of these churches to see what we could do collectively to firmly establish the Kingdom of God in Yurimaguas.   

Pastor Jack teaching how to pray for the sick   
Eric Frank teaching in a day time workshop
The Shawi Indian conference proved to be just as effective although distinctly different in focus.  While the pastor's conference was directed at educated and ministry-experienced church leaders the Shawi conference addressed a more primitive people, who live in grass-roofed huts and whose reading level may only reach the sixth grade.  However, the Shawis were very hungry for the Word of God and eager to know how to apply it to their daily lives.

Pastor Jack teaching the Shawi Indians being translated from English to Spanish to Shawi

With artistry Pastor Jack maintained his train of thought in order to deliver messages that were simple, practical and easy to apply while being translated from English to Spanish to Shawi!  By the end of the conference noticeable changes had taken place with several of the people that attended in that their countenance and demeanor changed from being guarded and withdrawn to being open and engaged with a distinct evidence of oppression having been lifted.

Pastor Jack and Eric praying over the Shawis

Sharon and Maria in adult Shawi class    

Eric teaching the Shawi children using fun games for total participation

Eric did an amazing job in teaching the children.  His lessons were very clear and direct with lots of fun activities to reinforce and help retain the main points of the Bible lesson he was teaching.  Shawis normally do not draw attention to themselves publically but after only a short time Eric had the children fully participating in several games and scripture memorization.  It is vital for the advancement of the Kingdom of God in the villages that the children as well as the adults understand Biblical principles and how to apply them in their daily lives.  I believe this was done by both Pastor Jack and Eric in each of their areas of ministry to the Shawis.

I can't thank New Covenant enough for the sending Pastor Jack and Eric to PerĂº to minister so completely and diversly to these two extremes of people.  I also want to express my deepest gratitude to all of you who stood in the gap in intercession for these conferences so that so many lives were distinctly touched by the Holy Spirit.  God bless each of you for joining with me in this incredible outreach in discipling and advancing the Kingdom of God in the city and in the villages.

Your Co-laborer in the Kingdom,
Sharon Malcolm

Saturday, June 14, 2014

June update/prayer letter

Dear Prayer Warriors,

I am writing to give you an update on the last trip to the Shishinahua River.  The purpose of the trip was to continue with the discipleship classes in the three villages were we've been working: Santa Clara, Santa Rosa and Yarina.  The focus this time was on some of their beliefs that keep them from fully trusting in the Lord.  This time it was on the belief that plants and trees have spirits and that these spirits have the ability to heal and drive out other spirits that are causing sickness or pain.  We saw an example of this on a recent visit to the village of Santa Clara where the husband of the household was lightly striking his wife's back with a branch of leaves to drive out the spirit that was causing her pain.  The leafy branch was believed to have certain powers that would not only heal his wife of her ailment but also drive out the spirit that was causing it. 
In our discipleship meetings we spoke frankly on the error of this belief and affirmed once again that there is no other power greater than God. He is the supreme power and that the plants and trees were created by Him and therefore could not have more power than Him.  We did make clear however, that certain plants have medicinal purposes and will certainly bring healing if used correctly but it is not a spirit in them that does it, but rather the qualities that God had made plants to have.  The people listened very attentively and asked questions in their language to Maria, the Shawi missionary that travels with me about some of what they believed in.  Between us we were able to speak confidently what the Bible says about such things and direct their attention to trusting in the Lord for all of their needs and not other spirits.

One very encouraging incident occurred while we were there and that is when a couple of the non-Christian women asked me to pray over their sick babies I was able to ask to ask one of our new Christians to join me and she did without hesitation.  I later learned from Maria that just a day or two earlier her daughter was sick and so her husband, who is also a Christian, told her to take their daughter to a witchdoctor to be healed.  This is a very common response to sickness and so even though he was a Christian this was his suggestion.  His wife however, explained that this was wrong and that there was only one God and He is all-powerful (as per what we have been teaching them).  Instead they should pray over their daughter so God would heal her.  Her husband was not willing to do this and still thought they should take her to the witchdoctor but the wife believed God and prayed over her daughter and sure enough her daughter got healed!  After seeing this her husband was completely convinced about what God can do and no longer wants to go to witchdoctors for healing.  Praise God!!

This gave the woman great confidence in praying with me for one of the sick babies.  When I asked the parents later in the day how the baby was they were able to tell me that she was better.  Praise God for His goodness!

  1. We have two, 3-day conferences coming up June 25, 26, 27 for the pastors in the town where I live in Yurimaguas and a second conference for the Shawi Indians on June 29, 30 and July 1.  Both of these conferences are very important and are strategic in bringing great changes to Yurimaguas and to the villages on the Shishinahua through all who attend.  Please pray for the Lord to move mightily on the people so that they can then be agents of change for others.
  2. The speakers of these conferences are the pastor and an elder from my home church in Bethlehem, PA.  Please pray that the Lord will give them the words to speak to the hearts and minds of all who attend and guide them clearly on how they are to minister to the people.
  3. Please pray for our safety as I go and meet the speakers and as we travel together from the capitol, Lima to the town where I live in Yurimaguas to do the conferences.
  4. Please pray that all the details of coordinating and preparing for the conferences will go well and all the people involved will do their part.

God bless you each of you for your continued prayer support for this work.  I am so very grateful for it and am very aware that it is because of our combined prayer the Lord is able to move so mightily.   I will look forward to giving you a wonderful update after the conferences as we stand in faith together to believe God for great things.

Rich Blessings to You,

Monday, April 28, 2014



Pastor Antonio and Sharon reviewing bible studies that he will translate into Shawi for the radio broadcast program
After working for seven years traveling to the villages to evangelize, teach the Word of God and encourage the new believers we are now expanding our sphere of influence to reach several other Shawi Indian communities as well through our new radio program called Life in Christ.  The program will reach about 15 counties where many of the Shawi Indians live and tune into via their transitor, battery-operated radio.  The purpose is to have ongoing Bible studies in the Shawi language to help the Christians and non-Christians grow in their understanding of who Jesus is, what He did for them and how they can live the victorious Christian life.

The program will air three times a week for 30 minutes with the goal of having it run all year long. 
Our first airing was on Monday, April 28 and will continue for one month until May 28.  This will give us an idea of how the program is being received and what we can do to improve it if it is not.  Please pray with me so that the Shawi community will grab hold of this opportunity to learn about the Lord and all that He has done for them as He reveals Himself through the the study of the Word of God.


 Shawi Indian teenager with painted face to protect her from the evil spirits during Holy Week.
Village men (bottom) preparing to shoot their rifles to scatter the evil spirits that were loosed on Good Friday while people watch from the assembly building (top).

On our most recent visit to the villages we learned several of the Shawi beliefs concerning Easter Week.  They are:
  1. During Holy Week the people were taught that any activity such as washing clothes, bathing and especially working in their fields (since there were evil spirits there) was prohibited.
  2. They believe that Jesus dies every year on Good Friday and so evil spirits are loosed at that time because He is not here to keep them away. Therefore to protect themselves the women paint their babies with a black ink from a certain plant that is very common to their area. Often I have seen babies painted head to toe with this ink, almost as if they were dipped in a pool of black dye. The women would also dye their own hands and feet black and paint bands on their legs and arms and dots, stripes and Xs on their face. Somehow they believe that the ink prevents the evil spirits from entering them or their children.
  3. Lastly, they believe that Jesus rose from the dead on the second day after His death and not the third (I’m not sure why). On this day all the evil spirits that were loosed on Good Friday are now on the run from Jesus because He is alive and well.  However, to insure that the spirits are completely dispersed the men shoot off several rounds of their hunting rifles together to make sure the area is clear and safe for normal activity. The rest of the day would then be a time of celebration through an inter-community soccer game and drinking their fermented social drink called Masato (feremented yucca).
Fortunately we were able to address some of these false beliefs with the Word of God by first explaining that there is nothing in Scripture that prohibits normal activity during Holy Week and so according to the Bible they are free to resume daily life tasks without consequence. We were also able to show clearly in the Word of God that Jesus only died once and that when He did He destroyed the work of the devil (Rom 6:10; 1 John 3:8).  Therefore we, as Christians, have authority over evil spirits and not them over us. In light of this there is no reason to live in fear of Good Friday or any other day.

The belief of being protected from and scattering evil spirits through black ink and gun shots will have to be addressed more specifically on our next visit. Too much too soon could be overwhelming. What was shared however, was received by very attentive listeners and so I'm confident that the Lord will continue His work in them to reveal Truth so that they can live in the abundant life that He died to give them.
 Teaching youth the meaning of Easter through making an activity about the life of Christ. 

Joni (one of our Christian workers) teaching the Shawi children about the Easter story.

Along with dispelling the darkness of false beliefs we had the privilege of teaching adults, youth and children the true meaning of Easter through preaching to the adults, an art activity for the youth and a story book for the children.

Our greatest highlight however, was having 5 people water baptized on Good Friday! Out of all the days they could have done this they were content to do it on a day that they believed was filled with evil spirits. In fact, Miguel (pictured below) dreamed the night before that he was going to die if he got baptized in water (clearly an assault from the enemy) but in spite of his fear he was the first one in the water! He was followed by his wife and 12-year-old son, then by Joni, one of our Christian workers and finally by Marcos, the son of the head village leader.

Sharon and Maria baptizing Miguel

All of these tremendous victories are only possible because we have joined together in prayer and support to bring the Kingdom of God to a land that was once held by the enemy. Dear, precious brothers and sisters in Christ thank you so much for working with me to bring the light of the Gospel to a people who have not heard before. God bless each of you for all that you have done to bring this about.

Lovingly and Gratefully,
Sharon Malcolm

Monday, March 17, 2014

Shawi Conference Level Two: Authority of the Believer

Pastor Roque (Rocky) preaching on the authority of the believer

            I am thrilled to be able to share with you that our second conference for the Shawi Indians held on March 2-4 which went very well.  We had several more people attend this conference because we invited whole families this time to be trained in the Word of God.  In the three days that we met together we had teachings for the preschool, school-age, youth and adults during the day and a church service at night for everyone.  This proved to be very effective because it allowed mothers to a part of the teaching since they did not have to care for their preschool children and it provided for the children and youth to receive teaching on the Word of God at their level.

Sharon and Maria teaching school-age children how and why to worship

All children and some of the youth watching a video on the birth of Christ

            During our adult sessions we explained who Satan is, where he came from and why there are evil spirits in the world today.  Since the Shawi people are very aware of the spirit world we stressed that evil spirits are created beings that chose to follow Lucifer in rebelling against God and were therefore expelled from His presence forever.  It was important to stress that they are not more powerful than God or even equal to His power but rather are merely created beings that as Christians we now have authority over.  In light of this they no longer have to be afraid of spirits of the deceased trying to enter them or their children or spirits of animals wreaking havoc on their families by the belief that these spirits can enter them or their families causing physical maladies.

Maria and her brother Camilo leading and teaching the people on how to worship

            We also had sessions on how to pray and the importance of praise especially as a weapon of warfare.  Although we emphasize and practice these themes as much as possible on our river trips to the villages it was worth going over again and dedicating whole sessions to them in the conference.  The result of these repeated teachings and practices was amazing because this time when I asked for a volunteer to lead us in prayer, three women, one from each of the villages that attended, came up almost immediately to do so!  This has never happened before!  Shawi Indians do not deliberately draw attention to themselves and the intimidation of not being confident in how to pray has always resulted in a lack of response every other time I have ever asked them do this.  Now however, through the knowledge of the Word and the working of the Holy Spirit within them three women (I only asked for one) marched right up front to take their stand in faith to pray as we joined them.

            The next morning I asked again for someone to come up and lead us in prayer for a specific need and this time, without any coaxing, three teenage boys came up and led us in prayer!  This was huge because it showed that the Holy Spirit was working on the youth as well as the adults to the point where these boys had enough confidence and faith to be in front of all their peers to lead us in prayer.

            Since we started doing these conferences people have taken giant leaps forward in their commitment to Christ and have shown great desire to learn more about the things of God.  I want you to know that this has come about because of our combined effort to pray, break ground and establish the Kingdom of God in these villages.  Strongholds are being destroyed through the knowledge and application of Word on a regular basis.  Therefore my brothers and sisters, I want to encourage you to continue in warfare prayer and intercession for these communities because the Lord is doing mighty things through all of us.  God bless you over and over again for all that you have done for us and the villages in helping the Word of God go forth to change lives forever.

Reaching the Lost Together,
Sharon Malcolm

Saturday, February 22, 2014

update and prayer letter

Dear Faithful Prayer Warriors,

I am so happy to report that the last trip to the Shishinahua River to visit our three villages of Santa Clara, Santa Rosa and Yarina was a huge success!  We had more people attend Bible studies and evening services than before, glory to God!  In fact in Santa Rosa the people were actually waiting for us to start!  Our meetings went very well as we had Pastor Roque (Rocky) translated into Shawi what I shared and then preach himself from the Word sharing his own personal experiences in growing as a Christian. 

The people were very attentive and are really becoming much more aware of their commitment to Christ.  This was evidenced by the response I got when I asked them, “How many here can say that you are a son or daughter of God?” In the past they could not answer this because of lack of confidence and/or understanding of what that meant.  Now however, several people raised their hands with confident assurance that they knew they were children of God!  This is an incredible leap forward in their relationship with the Lord and nothing short of the Holy Spirit working in their lives!  What is so glorious is that we all had a part in bringing this about through our combined intercession and commitment to the work of the Lord.

We will be continuing with discipleship classes through a three-day conference like we had in early November.  The dates will be 1, 2, 3 of March (a change from the original dates of 7, 8, 9) and our theme will be the Authority of the Believer.  Pastor Roque and Pastor Rufino who shared at the last conference will be joining us again for this one.  I have invited the families of the villages to come to the conference this time and not just the parents so that everyone will be taught the Word of God and grow in their relationship with Him.  Would you pray earnestly for this conference as there are many logistical issues that must be met in order for the conference to take place.  Our prayer points are as follows:

1)   Safety as Maria’s brothers travel to the villages to pick up the families and bring them back to their homes (it’s a 9-12 hour boat ride each way).

2)   That they arrive in Yurimaguas on time and the dirt road that we will travel on to the farm where the conference will take place will not be rained out.

3)   That every heart and mind will be open to the all that the Lord wants to teach and reveal to them so that they understand that they have authority in Christ over life’s situations.

4)   Pray for the four children’s ministry workers that the Lord will give them wisdom in teaching the Shawi children the Word of God with clarity so that they too can begin a life with Christ.

5)   Wisdom, discern and confidence for the speakers of the conference so that they will communicate each point of the teaching well so that both the men and the women will understand what is theirs in Christ.

Thank you so much for standing with me in prayer and intercession for this conference and for all that the Lord will do in these precious people.  God bless you mightily as we join together to see the Kingdom of God established in these hearts and lives.

With Much Appreciation,
Sharon Malcolm

Monday, February 10, 2014

2014 prayer/newsletter

Dear Prayer Warriors,

After about six weeks in the States to visit supporting churches and individual supporters I am back at home in semi-sunny but really warm Peru!  I was only too glad to leave the sub-zero temperatures and the piles and piles of snow that I was helping my sister shovel while staying at her house to visit my mom in the nursing home in New Jersey.

I wanted to share with you that we will be going on the river again to visit our three villages of Santa Clara, Santa Rosa and Yarina to see how they’ve been since we saw them last in December.  Our goal is to train and encourage them to carry on what they’ve learned from us on their own when we’re not there and praise God it’s coming step by step.

On this trip we will have two Shawi pastors traveling with us to minister:  Pastor Roque (Rocky), who ministered at the conference in November, and Maria’s brother Antonio who pastors the church where she attends.  Our focus this time will be to  present the dates of the next 3-day conference, which will be March 7, 8, 9 and will focus on the authority of the believer.   We will also be addressing some of the superstitions of the villagers that have kept them bound in fear and intimidation all of their lives.  By understanding where these beliefs come from and what is now available to them in Christ they can begin to experience freedom like they have never known and live as the overcomer that they are.

Would you stand with us in intercessory prayer for this very pivotal time of teaching so that the strongholds of generations will be broken through the knowledge of the Truth?  Our heart is to reveal and teach the villagers the power and authority of the Word of God and who they are in Christ so that they can take back all that the enemy has stolen from them.

Our dates of travel will be Friday, February 14 to Friday, February 21.  Below are our prayer points and as the Lord shows you anything else please include that as well.

1)   Safety on the river as we travel.

2)   The villages will be open and receptive to the messages that they hear and that everyone will attend the meetings.

3)   That everything that they learned and experienced at the November conference is still working in their hearts so that they can advance quickly in their walk of faith.

4)   As a result of the teachings there will be significant life-style changes so that the life of Christ is clearly evident.

5)   Anything else that the Lord puts on your heart.

I am also attaching the latest newsletter to update you on the river trip right before coming to the States in December.  I trust that you will read this and be blessed as you see what the Lord is doing through all of us.  God bless you in every way and thank you so much for your love, prayers and participation in this work.

With Much Gratitude,