Sunday, November 30, 2014

Our First Evangelistic Outreach

Families from San Francisco gather for the evangelistic outreach

I want to thank all of you who prayed for us for the last river trip in November.  We had plenty of water to get in and out of the villages without any delays and it did not rain heavily during our travel so the Lord protected us yet again. Glory to God!

The trip was a short one but certainly a milestone event.  We went to invite our three villages to the upcoming conference that we were having for them in late November.  However, while with them we did an evangelistic outreach in a village nearby called San Francisco.  I had asked if anyone would like to join us in this outreach and three families from Santa Clara responded!  This is huge because it was the first time they had ever participated in something like this as a Christian worker and not as a participant.

Some members of Santa Clara helping San Francisco 
do an art project to reinforce Bible lesson

It was a great leap forward for us in that our fledgling believers were actively participating with us in the sharing of the Gospel.  I was thrilled beyond words!  We will continue to train them in the Word and in practical ways on how to share their faith as we hold our conferences and village visits.  Thank you all so very much for your prayer for these precious people.  God is truly moving among them and I know that very soon we will see evangelists and missionaries emerge out of these communities to bring the Truth to their own people.

3-Day Conference

7 Families from three different villages complete a 3-day conference in Yurimaguas

This was a tremendous event in that we had six families from a village besides the river that we normally work on attend the conference.  This was the first time they had joined us and my prayer is that they will continue to receive from the Lord all that He has for them through this training.  The purpose of the conference is always to build up the faith of the believers through the knowledge of the Word, prayer and practical experience of what they learned.

Pastor Roque teaching how to lay hands on the sick

Maria teaching the Word of God                     

Children’s ministry

Sharon teaching on how to share your faith

The conference was ended with people receiving the Lord, prayer and the Word of God.  This was truly a rich time and I want to thank all of you again so very much for standing with me in prayer for this event.  It is so significant in the lives of these new believers and is providing avenues for them to get trained to move forward in their faith to share the Gospel with their fellow Shawi Indians who are still living outside the Kingdom.  God bless each of you for your faithfulness to the things of God and may He bless you abundantly this Christmas season.

Joining With You in the Harvest,
Sharon Malcolm