Monday, November 30, 2015

November Newsletter


Pastor Rufino, a Shawi pastor teaching the attendees in the Shawi language

Our discipleship training went very well as a total of 21 villagers from two different rivers attended a five-day intensive study on the Word of God through Bible-storying, Scripture reading, discipleship, prayer and videos of people living out their faith, some to the point of death. The purpose of the training is to not only equip the attendees with the knowledge of the Word of God in order to apply it to their own lives but also to share what they’ve learned with others in their community.

We had practical classes on how to pray through the laying on of hands, brief opportunities on leading a meeting (we will do this more as they get used to it), small group discussions to answer questions on a video story and even nutritional classes on how to balance their diet. With each class there was more and more fruit and evidence that the Holy Spirit was opening them up to new things. I was also blessed to see that a firmer bonding was taking place between all of us and a level of trust on their part that was seen by a much more relaxed and open demeanor, even from the most tentative.

Maria and Sharon teaching the women as Maria translated into Shawi

Lidia and LilĂ­ worked tirelessly by going to the market everyday to buy food for lunch to prepare and serve it and then clean up afterwards. Truly, servants of the Lord!

Janne teaching on nutrition
Pastor Rufino translating during a class

On the third day of the training we had a teaching on idols and the One true God. We explained how certain practices and beliefs are actually idol worship and are contrary to what the Bible says.  One very common practice, even among Christians, is going to the witchdoctors for healing! We explained that when they go to these men they are opening themselves up to whatever spirit is operating in order to bring the healing and that is totally against God. Since all of them were Christians they knew that this practice was wrong and so it was an easy thing to lead them in a prayer to renounce and repent of it. Gloriously, everyone was very willing to do so and as a result I sensed something broke over them.

The next day we prayed for an infilling of the Holy Spirit for boldness and power to be His witnesses and again the Lord moved mightily among them. There were no strong manifestations but a deep, penetrating presence that seemed to go right to the core of the people. When we were finished no one moved but stayed in their places for quite a while basking in the presence of the Lord. I truly believe something significant happened during these times of prayer and will be evident as time goes on.

I want to thank all of you who stood in the gap in prayer for us during these very important days of training. Without your intercession I’m not sure people would have been touched as they were and so your part in this work is so very vital to what the Lord is doing. Please continue to pray for those who have attended the trainings and all those who will attend in the future.

Prayer Request

We completed a water filter project in three areas of a village called Varadero in October and while we were there a neighboring village, named San Fernando, heard that we were doing this and asked us to do filters for their village as well. We gladly agreed and so we will be doing this starting on Saturday. This is a new village and they are not Christian so this will be a wonderful opportunity to present the Gospel and pray with them each night that we are there. Our dates of travel are Saturday, December 5 to Wednesday, December 9. Would you agree with me in prayer for the following points?
  • Safety as we travel back and forth to the village of San Fernando.
  • Strong discernment and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit as we share the Word of God and pray for the people in the nightly meetings.
  • That the Lord will do everything that He desires to do in the people with no interruptions or hindrances in any way.
  • That we complete the filters within the time allotted and that everyone use them correctly and for a long time.
  • Anything else that the Lord lays on your heart to pray.
Thank you so much again for all that you’ve done and are continuing to do for this work. May the Lord richly bless you as you follow Him with all your heart.

Together in Bringing in the Harvest,
Sharon Malcolm

Friday, November 6, 2015

November Prayer Letter

Dear Prayer Warriors,

Our combined intercession has caused so much to happen in work of the Kingdom, I continue to be amazed. I am still in awe of how the Lord opened doors that no man could shut during last month's strike. God's provisions of planes, boats and motorcars at just the right time and just the right place assured us that our work in the village would be completed and sure enough it was.

Gloriously, while we were there a member from another village approached us to ask if they too could have water filters done in their community. Maria and I are now in the process of coordinating with them to do this and will take full advantage of the opportunity to share the Gospel with them as well since this is a village that does not know the Lord.

In the meantime I would like to share with you that there is yet another occasion to come before the Lord in behalf of the Shawi people and that will be from November 14 to 18 during our 5-day discipleship training. We have been doing 3-day discipleship trainings once a quarter to help new and growing Christians walk out their faith in an educated and practical way. Now, however, at their request we are extending the training to five days to include more themes. I am very excited about the desire from them to have more training and so am asking you to stand with me during this time to pray that the people will receive everything from the Lord that is possible. Please include these prayer points as you intercede for this event.

1) That everyone will come and that their travel will be safe and easy.
2) That everyone will understand the material and be able to implement it in their daily lives.
3) That the facilitators will explain the lessons very clearly so that the children and the adults will be able to live by what they are taught.
4) That there be a powerful move of the Holy Spirit over everyone as we have the opportunity to pray for each person.
5) That everything that the Lord wants to do will be done without any hindrance.

I want to thank you all so very much for your role in this work and all that the Lord is doing through you to reach the Shawi people. The Lord is doing great things through us and I am honored to be partnered with you. God bless you mightily.

Forever For the Kingdom,
Sharon Malcolm