Sharon and mom Christmas, 2014
I want to share with you a very special event that occurred on Thursday, December 10th at 10:45 pm. My precious mom Maria Malcolm, who was a general in the Lord’s army and a pillar in the Body of Christ went home to be with her Lord and Savior. After a very long four years of suffering from a massive stroke that caused the left side of her body to be paralyzed she is finally in the presence of her Lord forever.
She served Him well throughout her life and demonstrated to us, as her children, a life spent devoted to the living God. She will be greatly missed but I am truly rejoicing over where she is now and how she is fulfilling all that the Lord has created her to be. I had a wonderful life with my mom and have a host of memories to treasure and praise God for. She will always be an example to me of a dedicated vessel of love and compassion for the things of God.
Water Filters in San Fernando
I want to thank all of you for praying for our last outreach to the village of San Fernando to do 17 water filters. This is a neighboring village of Varadero who contacted us while we were doing a water filter project there in October. Therefore we arranged to do their filters on December 5 but due to my mom’s homegoing I was not able to participate. However, Maria, who’s been working with me for 5½ years and her brothers completed the project. According to our plan, they distributed Bibles, discipleship booklets, crayons and coloring books to the families while holding services each night to present the Word of God. The result was that four people accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior!
Left to right: Maria, Florentina, Camilo (sitting), Roger
Maria and her team completed the filters in three days and I was told that the village authorities were very satisfied with all that was done for them. Our goal is to continue with them by inviting them to our 3, 5, or 7-day discipleship training we will have in the New Year. It is an intense time of studying and practicing the Word of God in order to grow in their faith but also to be able to share what they’ve learned with others.
I want to thank you all so very much for your intercession and encouragement for this work. It is because we all are doing our part that the Kingdom of God is advancing in these villages. May the Lord richly bless you for your commitment to this ministry through the many ways you support it. I pray you have a wonderful and blessed Christmas.
Yours In Christ,
Sharon Malcolm