Friday, June 22, 2018

Five Churches to Start on the Shishinahua River (June)

Five Churches to start on the Shishinahua River

Nilton has been strongly instrumental in talking to the neighboring villages about the Lord and as a result 6 of the 9 people baptized  during the anniversary event were from the village of New Jerusalem.  This small village of 7 families is committed to starting a church in their community.  They have already put up a simple structure to hold their church services and we will begin training the leaders to take an active role in leading the meetings.

A second village, San Pablo, recently expressed interest in having a church in their village as well and so plans are being made to start dialoging with them about what the Church is and is not so that they can move forward with clarity and understanding.

Before these two villages showed interest in becoming a Church there were three other villages with the same desire and we have been working with them to raise up leaders to be trained to lead meetings and initiate church services in their communities as well.

I can’t begin to express how overwhelming this is.  Eleven years ago in 2007 I started on this river where the spiritual forces were so thick and dark that many times it literally felt like I was walking through mud up to my knees just going from house to house in the communities.  Now, after so much intercession and ground breaking in the Spirit through our combined prayer, village after village is desiring to establish the Kingdom of God on their own land and declare Him and only Him as their Lord and Savior!  This is nothing short of a miracle and my dear brothers and sisters in Christ we did this together through the power and direction of the Holy Spirit moving through us and going before us!

While I am still in awe of what is happening on this river and also how the Lord has opened new doors to do the same thing on the Nucuray River, I am not unaware of the struggles and temptations that these fledgling new Christians are facing.  Over the years I have seen strong interest among the villages for the things of God but the temptations to go back to the old life were too strong and so that took precedence over their commitment to the Lord.  This was largely due to lack of leadership and accountability among the new Christians but we are actively trying to change that through regular visits and training.

In light of that we will be having a 2-day conference from July 2-3 for the Shawi communities followed by a 2-day training for the churches in Yurimaguas on July 4-5.  We are expecting great things to happen during this time and so I am asking if you will join with us in praying for this very special event.  It is so important that the Shawis be trained/educated in the things of God and to know how to practically live that out.  Since this is extremely important for every believer to know and understand I have included the churches in Yurimaguas to participate in this as well with their own conference immediately following the Shawi conference.  Please stand with us in believing for transformed lives through these conferences so that they can be advocates of the One true God in their communities.

I pray this news blesses and encourages you to see that nothing is impossible with God in all that you are standing in faith for in your personal lives.  I also pray that you being part of this amazing work of the Holy Spirit through your support of prayer, encouragement and finances will richly bless and encourage you to continue to stand with us to see the expansion of this work.  May God abundantly bless you and keep in all that you are doing for the Kingdom.

Together in Reaping the Harvest,
Sharon Malcolm

2-Day Training on the Nucuray River (June)

2-Day Training on the Nucuray River

L to R:  Kim, Alicia, Charis and Donna doing children’s ministry in the villages

A team of four young women from a supporting church and I went to the Nucuray River to do a 2-day training for the only two Christian churches on this river.  The purpose was to equip and encourage the believers to go out and reach their unsaved village neighbors with the love of Christ.

We also did evangelistic outreaches to two of the un-churched villages near them and they expressed a strong desire to have a church established in their communities as well.  We are diligently working toward bringing that about through training leaders in these villages that can lead a Bible study and initiate church meetings.  In the meantime we are encouraging the two Christian churches to visit these villages to help and guide them as they grow.

There is much work to be done on this river but step by step we are gaining ground and establishing the Kingdom of God in this area.  Please pray strongly with us to complete this task and see the Body of Christ firmly rooted on this river.  Truly the harvest is great but the workers are few.

Sharon training the village of Huancayo y Progreso

Thursday, June 14, 2018

The One-Year Anniversary of the New Church plant (June)

L to R back row:  Kim, Charis, Sharon, Alicia, Donna
L to R kneeling:  Pastor Nicolas, Pastor Eduardo and Jiler, director of the Bible Institute

On June 14, 2018 we joined with the village of San Francisco to celebrate the one-year anniversary of their church.  This is the first church they’ve ever had since their inception 23 years ago and to my knowledge the first Christian church on the Shishinahua River.  This was truly a monumental event and we were graced to have two of the three district authorities of the Assembly of God Church with us as well as the Director of the AG Bible institute in Yurimaguas.

During our time together there were nine people that wanted to publically testify through water baptism that they had given their lives to Christ and were committed to following Him.  Pastor Eduardo, one of the AG pastors, and Nilton from San Francisco, who is training to be the pastor of the Assembly of God church in San Francisco, did the baptisms.  Nilton got the added blessing of baptizing his brother whom he and several others had been praying for salvation for a number of years.

Nilton and Pastor Eduardo baptizing Nilton’s brother Richard.

8 of the 9 people baptized being presented to the church by Pastor Nicolas, AG Regional Director.