The 3-day training for our Shawi Indian communities on prayer and worship went very well. My sister Susan taught the afternoon sessions and the worship leader of my local church in Peru, Mark, taught the morning sessions. Both presented their material in a way that was very appropriate and therefore everyone was receiving a much clearer understanding of what it is to worship and why. The concepts were new for most who attended and so it stretched them to understand and accept what was being taught.
While Mark taught on the practical concepts of what music is and how the notes can actually cause an emotional response from the hearer, positive or negative, Susan taught on how to worship using flags, veils and even sign language as a means of expression to honor and exalt our God. She also taught on how to pray using Scripture, decrees and declarations within our God-given authority in Christ to intercede for others and for ourselves.
It was a very rich time of instruction by two facilitators who are passionate about their areas of expertise and I am so very grateful that they both were able to share their hearts with our Shawis. I want to thank all of you so very much for praying for this very important training!
Susan teaching sign language as a form of worship |
Susan teaching about worship with Sharon translating |
Mark, the worship leader at my local church, teaching on worship at 3-day training. |
Evangelistic Outreach in Progreso
Evangelistic outreach in the village of Progreso |
We had the opportunity to do an evangelistic outreach in the village of Progreso, which is at the mouth of the Shishinahua River where Maria and I go on a regular basis to minister to the Shawi Indians. This is a Spanish village with no church and almost no understanding of who Jesus is or what He did for us on the cross. We took the opportunity to explain salvation through the personal testimony of my sister Susan's conversion to Christianity, Maria's explanation of the fall of Adam and Eve and my explanation of the substitutionary work of the cross through Jesus Christ. The glorious result was that everyone in the room prayed to ask Jesus to come into their lives as Lord and Savior!
Maria explaining the fall of Adam and Eve |
Sharon explaining how Jesus took all of our sin on Himself and in exchange gave us His holy and perfect life. |
The last picture above is the people of Progreso praying to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and we will continue our visits with them to disciple and train up leaders to minister to the new believers. Once again I want to thank you so very much for standing with us in prayer for the salvation of these souls and for the transformed lives of the people that attended the 3-day training. Together we are reaching the lost and training up the believers to be used mightily by the Lord! May God richly bless you in all that you do for the Kingdom and for this work.
Forever In Christ,
Sharon Malcolm
Missionary with
Go To Nations since 1998
Forever In Christ,
Sharon Malcolm
Missionary with
Go To Nations since 1998