New Day For the Village of July 6
Mouth of the Nucuray River at dawn |
In my last
newsletter I shared that I was able to make contact with a village named
July 6 (villages often use dates as the name of their village) after being
stuck at the mouth of the Nucuray River.
This was because the only boat going to Yurimaguas, where I live, did
not stop to pick up more passengers as it passed on the other side of the river and so I was stuck there until the next
Since I had all day long I decided
to explore the rest of the river port and walked all the way down to the end
and found a whole community of 58 families with no church or practicing
Christians. After talking with the
village leaders I was given permission to do a children’s Bible lesson in the
afternoon and show a movie on the life of Christ in the evening.
Children coloring a Bible picture after the lesson |
Both events
worked out really well and the result was that many prayed to ask Jesus into their
lives, including the children! In the
evening when I was showing the movie my Bluetooth speaker did not connect well
to my projector and so we had a movie with almost no sound. Fortunately, this did not bother the people
because all of them stayed to the end
and then prayed to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior! Afterwards a couple of people asked if they
could have a church in their village to which I strongly affirmed and said I
would work closely with them to bring this about.
I am so happy to report that on this last trip we did just that. I brought enough Bibles to give one to each of the 18 families that participated in our meetings. Then we did a lesson on how to use the Bible namely, the table of contents to be able to find the books, the Old and New Testaments and what they mean and the Bible helps in the back of the Bible. From there we did our first Bible study by looking at the first three verses of Genesis 1 to tell what happened, who was named in the verses and what they learned about God from these verses. We then continued using the same method for the next three verses in Genesis 1 followed by John 1:1-3 and finally ended with Matthew1:18-20. This went very well considering not many of them have ever had a Bible let alone studied it.
Sharon teaching how to study the Bible |
Some of the families of July 6 listening to how to use the Bible |
Before leaving we coordinated a day and a time when they would meet together to continue with the Bible study until our next trip, which will be in December since I am coming to the States in November. I was very happy to see the response of everyone that came and was encouraged to see such interest in meeting together. Now it's just a matter of them actually doing it while I'm away.
Please pray with me for our new brothers and sisters in July 6 so that they will meet together on a regular basis to grow in their faith and in their relationship with the Lord. This area does not have any churches and so for new believers it is very difficult if they don't join with each other to study the Word and pray.
Maria and I will be going to visit the villages on the Shishinahua River from Tuesday to Friday to do the next Bible institute course and to disciple the young believers in the villages there. Would you pray for us so that our travel will be safe and our time with the people will be very effective?
I want to thank you so very much for blessing this work with your prayers, encouragement and support in so many ways. May the Lord richly bless you for blessing us and may He keep and protect you in all your ways as you follow Him.
Serving Our King Together,
Sharon Malcolm
Missionary with
Go To Nations since 1998