Saturday, October 26, 2019

A New Day For The Village of July 6

A New Day For the Village of July 6
Mouth of the Nucuray River at dawn
              In my last newsletter I shared that I was able to make contact with a village named July 6 (villages often use dates as the name of their village) after being stuck at the mouth of the Nucuray River.  This was because the only boat going to Yurimaguas, where I live, did not stop to pick up more passengers as it passed on the other side of the river and so I was stuck there until the next morning. 

            Since I had all day long I decided to explore the rest of the river port and walked all the way down to the end and found a whole community of 58 families with no church or practicing Christians.  After talking with the village leaders I was given permission to do a children’s Bible lesson in the afternoon and show a movie on the life of Christ in the evening.

Children coloring a Bible picture after the lesson
             Both events worked out really well and the result was that many prayed to ask Jesus into their lives, including the children!  In the evening when I was showing the movie my Bluetooth speaker did not connect well to my projector and so we had a movie with almost no sound.  Fortunately, this did not bother the people because all of them stayed to the end and then prayed to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior!  Afterwards a couple of people asked if they could have a church in their village to which I strongly affirmed and said I would work closely with them to bring this about.

             I am so happy to report that on this last trip we did just that.  I brought enough Bibles to give one to each of the 18 families that participated in our meetings.  Then we did a lesson on how to use the Bible namely, the table of contents to be able to find the books, the Old and New Testaments and what they mean and the Bible helps in the back of the Bible.  From there we did our first Bible study by looking at the first three verses of Genesis 1 to tell what happened, who was named in the verses and what they learned about God from these verses.  We then continued using the same method for the next three verses in Genesis 1 followed by John 1:1-3 and finally ended with Matthew1:18-20.  This went very well considering not many of them have ever had a Bible let alone studied it.  

Sharon teaching how to study the Bible

Some of the families of July 6 listening to how to use the Bible
            Before leaving we coordinated a day and a time when they would meet together to continue with the Bible study until our next trip, which will be in December since I am coming to the States in November.  I was very happy to see the response of everyone that came and was encouraged to see such interest in meeting together.  Now it's just a matter of them actually doing it while I'm away.  

            Please pray with me for our new brothers and sisters in July 6 so that they will meet together on a regular basis to grow in their faith and in their relationship with the Lord.  This area does not have any churches and so for new believers it is very difficult if they don't join with each other to study the Word and pray.

             Maria and I will be going to visit the villages on the Shishinahua River from Tuesday to Friday to do the next Bible institute course and to disciple the young believers in the villages there.  Would you pray for us so that our travel will be safe and our time with the people will be very effective?  

              I want to thank you so very much for blessing this work with your prayers, encouragement and support in so many ways.  May the Lord richly bless you for blessing us and may He keep and protect you in all your ways as you follow Him.

Serving Our King Together,
Sharon Malcolm
Missionary with
Go To Nations since 1998

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Amazing Time in Brazil!

One of the speakers sharing the Word of God to a large Brazilian church
      I had the opportunity to join a team with a ministry called Global Awakening based on the East Coast that has been ministering in Brazil for several years.  We visited four Brazilian churches for the purpose of building up the local Body and praying for those in need of physical, emotional or spiritual healing.  The team was made up of four speakers, including the founder Randy Clark, and 112 people from the US, Australia, England, South Africa and Germany.  Our part was to pray for healing for whatever was needed after the speakers shared the Word and prayed a general prayer for the people.

Left to Right:  Team at church;  Team members praying for congregants;  Church and team in worship

    As a result we saw over 2,000 healings of various kinds among the four churches that we ministered in including 34 blind eyes opened, 36 deaf ears opened, 11 tumors disappeared, 11 lame people walking, and 47 people with some kind of metal in their bodies such as screws, plates or rods receive complete mobility in the area where they had them!  

     It was an incredible time and one that I felt strongly that I needed to experience in order to enhance the work that the Lord has called me to do among the indigenous tribes in Peru.  So many suffer from physical aliments with no relief and so their default is to go to the local witchdoctor for cure but unfortunately that is not all they get.

     Since my trip to Brazil Maria and I have gone to the Shishinahua River once again to continue with the Bible Institute courses and have prayed for four people who have had pain in their bodies for several years due to heavy lifting or stomach disorders.  After prayer I am happy to say that three of the four experience complete healing and one with an improvement.  This is extremely important to me because my prayer for so many years has been that the Gospel would go out with a demonstration of the Spirit's power as per 1 Corinthians 2:4.

     Another praise to the Lord is that one of the four people who needed prayer was a 19-year-old young man named Edward, who recently rededicated himself to the Lord, led his father and step-mother to the Lord and was now witnessing to his witchdoctor grandfather.  Because of his zeal he was being pushed away from his family until finally the grandfather gave him the ultimatum to leave his house or stop talking about the Lord.  Edward told Maria that he was vacillating back and forth as to whether to stay with the Lord or reject Him.  He knew what the Lord had done for him and could not reject him but the pressure from his family was quite strong and so he was unsure what to do.  Gloriously after we prayed for his upper back and he could feel the pain leaving he realized just how powerful God is and that there was no longer any question about what he should do.  His faith was solidified in this one healing experience!  That is the full Gospel in action!

     I am fully aware that salvation is not in any way contingent on physical healings however when there is a clear demonstration of Divine intervention such as this it clearly demonstrates the power and sovereignty of God in the life of the person needing healing.

     I am continually seeking the Lord on how to be a conduit of His love above and beyond all else in order to present the Gospel in a clear and accurate way.  I make no demands on people but am fervent in presenting what Christ did on the cross for them and how that can impact their lives.

     I want to thank each of you for all of your continued support in every way of this work.  The results have been amazing and nothing short of a miracle!  

     I will be going on the river again on Thursday until Tuesday or Wednesday to a different river called the Nucuray.  I wrote in a prior update that on my last trip to this area I was "stuck" at the mouth of the river because the boat that passes to go to Yurimaguas, where I live, did not stop and so I had to wait until the next day for another boat.  During that time the Lord put it on my heart to explore the port where I was and when I did I came upon a whole community who did not know the Lord.  I took the opportunity to share with them the Word of God and show a Christian film on the life of Christ.  As a result many of them came to ask Jesus to be the Lord of their lives!  This was truly a white field waiting to be harvested!  

     I will be going back to this community to do follow up and discipleship training (if they are willing).  Would you please join with me in praying for these prayer points:

1)  That the people will be open and committed to the discipleship lessons.
2)  That the Lord will move mightily upon them so that they will have a hunger for more of Him and will move toward Him through prayer and Bible study on their own when I am not there.
3)  That a leader can be raised up right away that will commit to holding Bible studies so that everyone can grow together.
4)   Safety as Maria and I travel to this river and minister to the other villages as well.

     The week after we get back from this trip we will be going back to the Shishnahua to do the next Bible institute course and visit the villages in this area as well.  That will be on Tuesday, October 29 to November 2.  Please keep us in prayer for this trip also so that the hearts of the people will be open to receive, prepared and solid in the things of God.

    May God richly bless you in all that you do and for all the ways you support this work.

Yours In Christ Forever,
Sharon Malcolm
Missionary with
Go To Nations since 1998