Maria’s sister’s-in-law mother with her grandchild
I want to thank everyone who stood in prayer for us as we completed this last river trip. I am happy to report that we were able to get in and out of the village with no problem even though the water was very low. The purpose of the trip was to deliver the water filter materials for the 25 recipients in the village of Varadero.
In meeting with each group of 10 families I was able to explain why we were doing the project and what both our parts would be in completing the filters. I also shared that the purpose of the project was not just to meet a physical need but a spiritual need as well. This led to the opportunity to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all three groups which resulted in 20 salvations! The woman pictured above is one of our new sisters in Christ.
Our safe travel, completion of delivering the material and, especially, the salvation of souls came as a result of our combined faith and intercession for the people of this village. I can’t thank you enough for taking this part of the ministry so seriously and faithfully. The outcome of our prayer far outweighs any sacrifice that we had to make in bringing this about. Our precious Heavenly Father had long ago prepared and planned for each one of these precious souls to be part of His eternal Kingdom and we had the privilege of being instruments in His hands as He brought that about. God bless each one of you for joining together with me in seeing this realized!
When we return to Varadero on October 6 with a team from the States to do the filters we will also have evening meetings to teach the Word and pray for everyone who like prayer. I am expecting great things to happen during this time together so I would ask you to please join with me again in seeing the full measure of the Holy Spirit poured out on the villagers and on the US team as we minister. Thank you so much again for all that you do for this work and may God continue to bless you mightily.
Faithfully Yours in Christ,
Sharon Malcolm
Maria’s brother Camilo, driving our fully loaded boat past a river port on the way to Varadero.
Maria in the front as the point person to help guide the boat
with her mother in the center with the yellow blouse.
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