Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Prayers for our next trip

Our next trip, which was scheduled for the 19th was postponed until Sunday, the 21st.  We will be going to the three villages that we have been concentrating on, Santa Clara, Santa Rosa and Yarina to minister the Word of God and pray for all who are interested.  I am especially praying for the opportunity and acceptance of concentrating on a few interested people that expressed a desire to be leaders.  If they could assume this role this will be extremely helpful because they will be able to initiate and lead meetings when we can´t get in due to the dry season and low waters.  Our dates of travel will be Sunday, April 21st to Sunday, April 28th.  Please keep us in prayer for the following:
1)    Safety as we travel.
2)    Divine wisdom on how to reach the villages with the Word of God that will result in changed lives.
3)    Desire from the people to assume responsibility for ministering to not only their own village but their neighboring villages as well.
4)    Anything else that the Lord shows you.
Thank you so very much for your continued prayer for Lucas and for the villages of Santa Clara, Santa Rosa and Yarina. One day we will have the privilege of rejoicing with our Shawi brothers and sisters in heaven!

God bless you all and thank you so much again.

Gathering in Harvest Together,