Monday, December 19, 2016

The Ashénika Tribe

The Ashénika village called Santa Rosa
     According to the Joshua Project, which is a data-collecting ministry of all the unreached people groups in the world for the purpose of praying for salvation, the Ashénika tribe has a population of 58,000 people.  Only 2% are reached with the Gospel.  Through a series of contacts I was able to visit one of the Ashénika villages called Santa Rosa and minister the Word of God to them.  The response was very positive and the people showed a great hunger for the Lord by praying to accept Him as their Savior.
     I was able to make a second trip in December to bring Bibles and short Bible studies for the people to continue in their walk with the Lord.  The Church of God has started a work with this community in the past and has been training a man named Juaneco in the village to be able to lead the people in the things of God and has plans to build a church in the community.

Juaneco handing out Bibles to the new Christians in Santa Rosa

People of Santa Rosa with their new Bibles and Bible studies
      I will continue working in this village with Juaneco and the Church of God to help the community with their growth in Christ and visit other Ashénika villages as well.  Our purpose is to train up more people in the villages like Juaneco to reach their communities with the Gospel and disciple new believers.

    We also are continuing to train the Shawi Indian villages that we have been working with since 2007 to raise them up to be leaders in their villages to evangelize and disciple their own people as well.  This past November we had a 3-day training on how to study the Bible using 3 simple methods. We then used these methods to study the birth of Christ, His baptism and His resurrection.  After examining the Scriptures in this way the people were able to explain all of these on their own.  Our goal was to teach these methods so that they can continue using them with their people when they return to the their village.

Participants of the 3-day training on how to study the Bible

     I want to thank you all so very much for standing with me in this work through your prayer, encouragement and financial support.  As we combine our resources to reach and train the communities we are seeing more and more fruit for the Kingdom of God.  I pray rich and abundant blessings to each of you for this Christmas and New Year.
