Friday, October 31, 2014

Water Filters and Ministry, Ministry, Ministry!

Calvary Chapel Aurora, CO team ministering 
in worship for the church in Nueva Papaplaya

I want to thank so many of you who prayed for us during our time on the river as we tended to the church of Nueva Papaplaya.  It was a tremendous time of ministry to the community through the bio-sand water filters, children’s program, church services and sporting events.  All of these were directed to show the genuine love that God has for this village personally so that they can know how precious they are in His sight.  These activities also gave us the opportunity to bring those who were living without Christ to a saving knowledge of Him as well as guide others back to their first love that have gone astray through rededicating their lives to Christ.  Gloriously, this was done in so many ways and so many people were touched by the Holy Spirit as a result of our interaction.

Our task was to complete bio-sand water filters for 20 families in this communtiy using their help to wash sand and collect water. It took us a day to arrive to the village and a day to return to Yurimaguas leaving us a total of six days to work on the filters and praise God, we finished the project in less than four days!  This left us plenty of time to revisit the families where we installed the water filters so that we could pray and witness to them again.  It also allowed us to minister to the children through children’s programs and sporting events that drew many people out either to watch or participate.
Water Filters

Team washing sand and installing water filter

Preaching, Prayer and Testimonies

Maria preached (denim jacket, pink shirt), 
team ready to pray         

Mary sharing her testimony, Sharon translating

Children’s Ministry
Alex, Mary and Deb leading children in praise songs

Joe playing with children

Team helping with children’s activity after Bible lesson
Greg showing children their picture

Sporting Events

Team played soccer with the men and introduced
water volleyball and frisbee soccer to the community.
Surely a first for this village!

Through all of these events we were able to truly bond with the community and gain their trust to lead people to Christ, guide them to rededicate their lives to God and pray for several people for healing.  One woman that we prayed with was 77 years old and had studied witchcraft for 12 years to become a witch doctor.  People would go to her for healing on a regular basis but now her whole body was racked with pain.  She claimed that the spirits were attacking her.  We prayed for her healing and rebuked the spirits and I could feel the oppression leave her body and soul.  When we were through she said she was much calmer and her knees felt better.  Praise God!  When I shared this with the pastor he said that he also had prayed with her 2 ½ years earlier to accept Christ, which she did, now it was just a matter of discipling and personal growth in the Lord.

I want to thank all of you so very much for standing in the gap for us on this trip.  It is because of this that the Lord has moved so strongly and so many people were touched by Him.  This month of November we will be going on two more river trips and having a three-day conference the last weekend in November.  Would you please stand in prayer for us as we complete these outreaches?  I know that the Lord will continue to move as we join together in prayer for these events.

Safety on the river for all travel
Strong response to the Word of God and to the invitation to the conference
Open minds and hearts to all that God wants to do in each person
The annointing of the Holy Spirit as He ministers through us in the teachings during the conference.

God bless each of you for your faithful and diligent prayer for this work.  Truly God is using all of us to accomplish a great work among the people in this area.

With Much Appreciation For that You Do,
Sharon Malcolm