Monday, February 10, 2014

2014 prayer/newsletter

Dear Prayer Warriors,

After about six weeks in the States to visit supporting churches and individual supporters I am back at home in semi-sunny but really warm Peru!  I was only too glad to leave the sub-zero temperatures and the piles and piles of snow that I was helping my sister shovel while staying at her house to visit my mom in the nursing home in New Jersey.

I wanted to share with you that we will be going on the river again to visit our three villages of Santa Clara, Santa Rosa and Yarina to see how they’ve been since we saw them last in December.  Our goal is to train and encourage them to carry on what they’ve learned from us on their own when we’re not there and praise God it’s coming step by step.

On this trip we will have two Shawi pastors traveling with us to minister:  Pastor Roque (Rocky), who ministered at the conference in November, and Maria’s brother Antonio who pastors the church where she attends.  Our focus this time will be to  present the dates of the next 3-day conference, which will be March 7, 8, 9 and will focus on the authority of the believer.   We will also be addressing some of the superstitions of the villagers that have kept them bound in fear and intimidation all of their lives.  By understanding where these beliefs come from and what is now available to them in Christ they can begin to experience freedom like they have never known and live as the overcomer that they are.

Would you stand with us in intercessory prayer for this very pivotal time of teaching so that the strongholds of generations will be broken through the knowledge of the Truth?  Our heart is to reveal and teach the villagers the power and authority of the Word of God and who they are in Christ so that they can take back all that the enemy has stolen from them.

Our dates of travel will be Friday, February 14 to Friday, February 21.  Below are our prayer points and as the Lord shows you anything else please include that as well.

1)   Safety on the river as we travel.

2)   The villages will be open and receptive to the messages that they hear and that everyone will attend the meetings.

3)   That everything that they learned and experienced at the November conference is still working in their hearts so that they can advance quickly in their walk of faith.

4)   As a result of the teachings there will be significant life-style changes so that the life of Christ is clearly evident.

5)   Anything else that the Lord puts on your heart.

I am also attaching the latest newsletter to update you on the river trip right before coming to the States in December.  I trust that you will read this and be blessed as you see what the Lord is doing through all of us.  God bless you in every way and thank you so much for your love, prayers and participation in this work.

With Much Gratitude,

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