Thursday, March 17, 2016

Amazing 5-Day Training

We had an incredible five days together during our training. A total of 47 people including children attended and received some excellent instruction on why we should witness, to whom and how to witness effectively. We shared the material from a book called “A Discipleship Re-Revolution” by Steve Smith and took each segment of the process slowly so that every person, whether they could read or not, was able to understand and use what was being taught. We also used some extra material to convey the Gospel message and then broke off into groups to practice what was learned so that as everyone went back to their villages they would be able to share confidently and boldly with those who don’t know Christ.

The whole point of the training was to equip every person, adult and child, on how to share their faith and lead someone to Christ. I am so happy to report that I believe they got it!  I could see in the people that they were grasping the concepts and realizing the vision of evangelism and discipleship according to Matthew 28:19 which says, “Go then and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” (Amplified Bible).

Since this is a command for all of us and not just for pastors or church leaders every one of us must work towards fulfilling the Great Commission. The easiest and most effective way to do that is to be prepared and knowledgeable about what to share, how and to whom. When this is covered in prayer God begins to open doors and creates opportunities for those that are within our sphere of influence to hear and respond to the Gospel. We presented this to our attendees and told them to make a list of every person they know that does not know Jesus as Saviour and Lord. Then we prayed for the people on the lists at the beginning of each day. Afterwards, with those people on our minds and hearts we then began our daily lessons. For the people that live in the villages it is very unlikely that their unsaved loved ones will hear the Gospel by going to church because, at least for some of the villages, there are no churches. Therefore it is vital that the believers understand how to share with the unsaved about what the Lord has done in their lives and what He wants to do in the lives of their loved ones.

The more we practiced the more confident the people got so that even the most timid were sharing during the practice sessions. We even had three people strongly request to be water baptized as a public declaration that they are committed to live for Christ alone.

Orenson from Santa Rosa
Romer from Santa Clara
Shaquira from San Fransisco

This training was a huge success in my estimation and I am looking forward to hearing about many salvations as a result of it. We will continue to work with these villages that have attended by holding more trainings and visiting them when we can.

In the meantime we will be bringing this same training to other villages on another river quite a distance away next month in two different locations to train a village of Mestizos (Spanish speakers) as well as a village among the Kandozi tribe (a tribe we have not worked with before). Again the purpose is to equip those among their own people group in order to reach their villages for Christ. I will keep you posted on this and will send out a prayer request letter as we get the details more refined.

I want to thank all of you who stood with us in praying, encouraging, loving and financially supporting this work. The training was clearly a success because of what the Lord did through all of us as we each did our part. God bless you all in every way.

Working Together With You,
Sharon Malcolm

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